Janice E. Stockard Ph.D.

Anthropologist, Author, Educator, Editor


Background and Studies

Dr. Janice E. Stockard received all three of her degrees in anthropology from Stanford University, including her doctorate in 1985. Her focus in cultural anthropology is Chinese society, and she has conducted extensive research in South China. Stockard is currently a Distinguished Practitioner in the Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford (https://ceas.stanford.edu/). She is the author of three books and a new manuscript and the editor of an anthology. Stockard served as Co-Editor of the Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology series, 2005-15.

Education Materials

Research and Application

Stockard’s research and writing spans the globalization of textiles and technology in China and the effects of technological and economic change on gender hierarchies, families, and marriage practices cross-culturally — including in the U.S. Information Technology industry. An advocate of applied anthropology, Stockard has served as social science advisor to two national organizations dedicated to increasing women’s participation and advancement in IT firms.